Offshore Wind Solicitation for New York Released

The third competitive offshore wind solicitation for New York has been released, with the goal of obtaining enough clean, renewable energy to power at least 1.5 million New York homes, announced Governor Kathy Hochul.
The first phase of the $500 million investment in offshore wind ports, manufacturing, and supply chain infrastructure that was announced in the governor's 2022 State of the State is included in the procurement, which is being handled by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.
The announcement is a critical next step toward realizing New York's Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) goal of developing 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035. It builds on a series of significant offshore wind developments for the State in 2022, including the groundbreaking of New York's first offshore wind project.
"New York is proud to continue leading the way in offshore wind development while establishing a blueprint for building a locally-based green economy," said Governor Hochul.
"Today we are putting words into action and making it clear that New York State is the national hub of the offshore wind industry. The clean energy transition is driving significant private investment and family-sustaining jobs in communities across the state, and we are setting ourselves up for success with a brighter and more sustainable future," added Governor Hochul.
New York is attempting to secure at least 2,000 megawatts of offshore wind energy through a variety of project ideas while utilizing public and private money to create a strong supply chain. New York State is the nation's main center for offshore wind.
A draft of this solicitation was made available for public comment in March 2022, and over 1,300 comments were received. This was done to ensure that the procurement advances New York's offshore wind goals in a considerate, economical, and environmentally responsible manner to the benefit of all New Yorkers.