P&O Cruise Ship Rescues Stranded Sailors from Drifting Yacht

The P&O Australia Cruise Line ship, Pacific Encounter, conducted a successful rescue operation on May 4, saving three sailors who were stranded at sea. The cruise ship had set sail from Brisbane, Australia, on May 3 and was near New Caledonia when it received a distress call from a nearby yacht experiencing difficulties.
The distressed sailors, comprising two men and one woman, were en route from Queensland to Noumea when their yacht suffered a broken mast and a loss of power. They had been adrift for three days, awaiting assistance from a passing vessel.
Responding to the distress call, the Pacific Encounter diverted its course to rescue the trio. The sailors were safely brought aboard the cruise ship, where they received medical attention and were reported to be in good health.
Following the rescue, the 108,865 gross ton cruise ship continued its itinerary towards Noumea and Lifou in New Caledonia, as well as Vila in Vanuatu. The Pacific Encounter is currently on a seven-day Pacific Island Hopper cruise and is scheduled to return to Brisbane on May 10.