Guangzhou Wenchong to Construct Methanol-Powered Vessels

Maersk has selected a shipyard in the southern region of China to construct its upcoming series of vessels powered by methanol.
Alphaliner reports that Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard (GWS) has successfully secured a contract to manufacture a fleet of dual-fuel ships with a capacity of 3,500 TEU for the Danish carrier. Maersk has the option to potentially order a total of 12 ships from the shipyard, with the first deliveries expected in 2026 and 2027. The approximate cost for each ship is stated to be $68 million.
“Assuming that 25% of the cost increase is related to the more expensive choice of methanol, the reported USD 68 M sticker price still means a 38% hike in new building prices over three years,” As per the most recent weekly report by Alphaliner.