$73M Rail Expansion Project Finished at Port of Los Angeles

The Port of Los Angeles has successfully completed a major rail expansion project on Pier 400, aimed at enhancing cargo flow, cutting emissions, and improving roadway safety at the busiest port in the United States.
"This US$73 million rail project will increase cargo efficiency while reducing emissions -- a cornerstone of the Port’s blueprint for sustainable growth. Advancing capital improvement initiatives like this are key to ensuring the Port remains competitive," stated Gene Seroka, Executive Director of Port of Los Angeles.
The project, by increasing the use of the Pier 400 on-dock rail yard, will provide additional rail capacity for all terminal operators at the Port of Los Angeles. This rail yard serves as a vital connection between the San Pedro Bay port complex and the Alameda Corridor, which handles roughly 10% of all waterborne containers entering and leaving the United States.
"Thanks to the Port's significant investment in rail infrastructure, APM Terminals will be able to handle increased volumes of intermodal cargo with greater efficiency across a wider variety of inland locations. This strategic upgrade enhances the Port of LA's attractiveness as a gateway for cargo owners who rely on fast, efficient, and well-connected supply chains to serve their customers," mentioned Jon Poelma, managing director of APM Terminals Los Angeles Pier 400.
With the increasing demand for rail transport, the expanded rail yard is expected to eliminate about 1,200 truck trips daily by 2040.
The construction of the upgraded and expanded intermodal rail storage yard near the APM Terminals container terminal began in 2021. This project added 31,000 linear feet of track, including five new railroad storage tracks, a concrete rail bridge with lighting, an asphalt access roadway, new crossovers and turnouts, and modifications to the compressed air system.
Additionally, the project involved relocating a portion of the lead track onto the Port of Los Angeles property, realigning the track connection to the rail storage yard, modifying Reeves Avenue, and relocating the at-grade crossing from Nimitz Avenue to Reeves Avenue.
The construction was completed by the Herzog/Stacy and Witbeck Joint Venture.
The Californian port received US$21.6 million in grant funding from the California Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP), which supports the improvement of freight corridors in the state. The remaining cost of nearly US$51.6 million was funded by the Port.