AB Seaman

Di Star Marine
Salary: USD 1600
Contract: 4 months
59 days ago

Job Overview

OPEN POSITIONS FOR BUNKERING TANKER*CYPRUS OWNER: - AB*1550-1650 $*3+3 months - OS*1300-1450 $*3+3 months Embarkation –ASAP! Salary depends from English, experience & tanker docs on hands. Owner may consider candidates without tanker experience , tanker cert might be obtained after confirmation. OPEN POSITIONS FOR OIL CHEMICAL TANKER*SPANISH OWNER: - 3E*3800 Euro*4 months - 2O*3800 Euro*4 months Embarkation – beginning of November! PLS SEND YOUR CV WITH INDICATION OF YOUR POSITION, CURRENT LOCATION AND TYPE OF THE VESSEL IN THE TOPIC , FOR EXAMPLE “AB FROM GEORGIA FOR TANKER" to our email Apply via Maritime Zone or Viber +380679453791