MASTER | July 31, 2024 | August 29, 2024

Contract: See link for more information
203 days ago

Job Overview

Job Information Job Description Safety The master is responsible for the safety of the ship, crew, cargo, and passengers. This includes ensuring the vessel follows maritime laws, rules, and regulations, and preventing stowaways. Navigation The master is responsible for planning and executing the vessel's route, including overseeing activities such as loading and unloading cargo. Maintenance The master is responsible for ensuring maintenance and repairs are carried out. This includes overseeing activities such as loading and unloading cargo, repair and maintenance work, and all other activities essential to the safe, efficient and effective running of a ship. Emergency operations The master is responsible for overseeing any emergency operations. This includes schedules for drills and emergency signals. Records The master is responsible for keeping correct records, including log book/record book entries and obligations for keeping crew lists. Communication The master is responsible for overseeing the receipt and transmission of information. This includes issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner, and reviewing the SMS and reporting its deficiencies to the shore based management. The master is the highest seafarer rank and the most prestigious of all seafarer jobs. Contracts The master is responsible for signing the original bill of lading.   Skills and Qualifications: AT LEAST 18 MONTHS OF EXPERIENCE AS MASTER WITH OR WITHOUT US VISA HOLDING VALID DOCUMENTS  JOINING VISA : TBA PANAMAX VESSEL Benefits JOB EMPLOYMENT HMO