Foinaven FPSO Workers Ready to Strike

The Foinaven FPSO vessel's crew members have chosen to go on strike in response to a disagreement about redundancy payouts, according to the United Kingdom's Unite, the union representing the crew members.
Following the announcement that the Petrojarl Foinaven FPSO will be retired since its 25-year design life had expired, production from the field was put on hold in 2021. In January 2022, the UK authorities received the decommissioning plan.
The crew members want to walk off the job over their severance pay, which will be their final salary. They argue that the onshore employees of the business receive a considerably greater ultimate compensation and want parity. The union argues that although everyone would be laid off, shoreside employees of the firm will receive four weeks of severance pay for every year of service but offshore employees will only receive the UK legal minimum.
Teekay is the owner of the Foinaven FPSO vessel. The vessel is now under contract with BP, but when that agreement expires, it will be hauled to Hunterston Port. At the end of August, all employees will be laid off since BP terminated the contract for the vessel. According to the union, on an 84% turnout, 96% of voters approved of a strike. The result is that a continuous strike action will start on August 5th.
“Our offshore members working on the Foinaven FPSO vessel are rightly aggrieved at being treated as second-class workers by Altera. Unite will challenge the company on this. We don’t do our members being treated as ‘second class’. All our members are asking for is parity in the redundancy package due to the contract coming to an end.” said Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham.
“We are currently in contact with all parties on this matter. We value the work and the wellbeing of all our employees and will continue to work towards a resolution of this issue. Please understand that we cannot comment on specifics,” said Altera spokesperson.