Call for Increased Pilot Use in Gibraltar After Collision

A recent accident report has recommended greater use of pilots in Gibraltar’s waters following one of the most significant maritime incidents in the British overseas territory in recent years.
On August 29, 2022, the OS35 bulk carrier was departing the Bay of Gibraltar anchorage when it collided with the LNG carrier Adam LNG. The impact caused breaches in holds two and three of the OS35, leading to a controlled beaching of the vessel on Gibraltar’s eastern side. The ship remained a striking feature of the territory’s coastline for months before it was dismantled.
The investigation concluded that the OS35’s master and bridge team failed to properly monitor the vessel’s departure from the Western Anchorage. Additionally, they miscalculated the impact of tidal flow and wind, which contributed to the accident.
As a result, the Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) has been advised to consider implementing mandatory pilotage for vessels leaving the Western Anchorage to improve navigational safety.
The report suggests that had a pilot been onboard, the OS35’s decision to maneuver astern would not have been the preferred course of action given the specific conditions of the day. Instead, initiating a port turn as the anchor was lifted would have provided ample sea room to proceed forward and safely exit the anchorage.