Canada Announces Sharp Increase in Shipping Fines

Canada's Transport Minister, Pablo Rodriguez, has announced significant increases in fines for violations of the Canada Shipping Act, with the maximum penalty now escalating from C$25,000 to C$250,000 ($181,351).
The revised penalties are categorized into three levels based on severity: minor, medium, and serious. Minor violations include administrative infractions that do not endanger public safety or the environment. Medium violations occur when pollution response regulations are breached but do not pose a significant threat to public safety or the environment. Serious violations are those that threaten human health or the environment or involve the destruction of documents or obstruction of authorities.
Serious violations can involve issues like improper storage of different types of compressed gas together or the discharge of cargo residues in polar waters under certain conditions.
“We’re serious about the safety of our waters and the well-being of Canadians, and that’s why we’re introducing these amendments and raising the maximum penalty,” stated Rodriguez.